PARTNERS and PATRONS (Past and Present)


Spectrum Books

Thorndike Press

Prentice Hall Publishers

Shawassee District Library

Dakota County
Public Library

Arkansas Library

Connecticut Library

Florida Library

(Formerly NEO-RLS)

Apache Junction Library
Joplin Public Library John N. Nelson Safestreets Interlock


Simmons Perrine
Moyer Bergman

Shuttleworth & Ingersoll
Hansen & Co.

University of Iowa
Medical College
Leventhal & Puya
Lamson, Dugan & Murray

Heidman Law Firm

Nyemaster Goode

Hayes Lorenzen

Dorsey & Whitney

Phelan Tucker

U.S. Department
of Agriculture

Iowa Attorney General

Eells & Tronvold

Finley Law

Fitzgibbons Law Office

Story County Sheriff

Buena Vista County Sheriff

Mower County Sheriff

Webster County Sheriff

Mitchell Hamline School of Law (Formerly William Mitchell)
California Western
School of Law

South Texas
College of Law

New England
School of Law